The Saffron Bistro

Eat good to feel good

Baking Essentials to Have

Baking is not for everyone, but some people can’t get enough of it. You need to have the right kitchen setup (preferably done by professional companies similar to a High Point kitchen remodeling contractor), the perfect appliances and the intent to step into the world of butter and biscuits! If you are someone who ticks off all the boxes in the previous line, check out these baking essentials to have in your home.

If you really love this hobby of yours, then you could maybe think of starting a bakery at home. This way, you could do what you enjoy most and make money from it too. The key is to hire a professional who can design an aesthetic website and also offer menu development services so that you have everything set up to start a successful business. But before you begin, take stock of your kitchen and make sure you have the following baking supplies on hand.

Here Are the Baking Essentials to Have:

  • Baking Pans

You will need cookie sheets and muffin tins. Baking pans come in all shapes and sizes. A rectangular or square baking pan is great for making cookies and brownies.

  • A small bowl

A small bowl is a great addition to any kitchen. Whether it’s for mixing ingredients, adding liquids, or scooping food, you’ll always need the right bowl for the job.

  • A whisk (or whisk and spatula)

Every kitchen needs a good whisk. Whisks are an essential tool in the kitchen. They can whip egg whites into fluffy peaks, but they can also mix ingredients together. An egg whisk makes the perfect egg wash for baked goods, and a whisk for dry ingredients will ensure every ingredient is thoroughly mixed. A whisk is a utensil that scrapes ingredients, so they don’t burn.

  • A stand mixer

There was a time when cake ingredients were mixed by hand, using wooden spoons and elbow grease. But nowadays, a stand mixer takes the boring out of baking and helps you get great results every time by making light work of mixing, beating, and kneading. So, if you are planning to bake often, you may want to invest in the best stand mixer out there. (Keep in mind to do your own research on the Internet before buying any product). However, before investing in the appliance, it would be a good idea to get the wiring in your kitchen inspected thoroughly to find whether it can bear the electrical load of the mixer that you are planning to buy. Get in touch with an expert electrician (from the likes of CTM Electrical Services -the firm can be found by looking up Williamstown electrical on the Web) who can do the job in the blink of an eye and even get the wiring repaired if required. Once you are done with this, you are ready to welcome your newly-purchased gadget into your kitchen.

  • A scale

Knowing exactly how much of each ingredient to use is key, so having a scale that is accurate is very important. Having a scale is also great for baking at home since you’ll know how much your recipe requires in volume. This is a measuring tool used to weigh ingredients.

  • A sharp knife

A sharp knife is the single most important tool for baking, and it’s important to have one that “feels right” in your hand. A knife is used to slice up fruits and vegetables.

  • A cookie scoop.

This kitchen tool makes fun-sized cookies.

  • A rolling pin.

This is a small roller used to flatten dough or roll out cookie dough.

  • A timer.

This is a kitchen timer that you can set when cooking food in the oven or on the stove.

  • Silicone mats.

These are mats that are made out of silicone and placed on top of the cookie sheets, so cookies don’t stick.

  • A spatula.

This is a tool used to stir, flip, and scrape food off the spatula.

  • Baking sheets

A baking sheet is most commonly used to move hot dishes to a cooling rack from the oven. A baking sheet is an essential baking accessory. Baking sheets come in many sizes, shapes, materials, and colors, and choosing the right one will make a difference to your baking results. The size will depend on how many cookies you want to bake and the size of the cookies.

  • Baking cups

Bakeware, also called pots, pans, and baking dishes, comes in a wide range of sizes. Each recipe requires its own baking pan and buying extra baking pans is an inexpensive way to create an organized baking supply closet. Look for baking pans with straight sides to allow uniform heating and bakeware with non-stick coatings for easy cleanup. Baking cups, or muffin cups, are one measuring cup without which you cannot go.

  • Baking Dish

A baking dish, which is used to line baking pans, is another baking essential.

  • Measuring Cups and Spoons

Having both measuring cups and spoons is a baking essential to have. Measuring spoons are a must-have for baking, but not all measuring cups are the same. Learn the differences between each so you can make the most out of your baking supplies!

  • Microwave Baking Dish

A microwave baking dish is a baking essential to have.

Baking is an essential skill to have in the kitchen. Whether you’re baking bread, cookies, or even pie, baking is something that everyone can do. Plus, baking is an inexpensive way of entertaining and creating delicious treats. There are endless things to bake, and with all the right equipment at your disposal, you can bake anything that you set your mind to.

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